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Contact us

Before contacting us
please visit the "Frequently Asked Questions" page.

Contacting us

Personal information provided by customers will not be used for any purpose other than to contact or respond to customers or to create or disclose materials that have been processed so that individuals cannot be identified.

Contacting us for the purpose of soliciting, such as sales promotions of various services or products, sending inquiries other than feedback directly related to our company is strictly prohibited.
In principle, we will reply to inquiries by email, however based on the nature of your inquiry we may contact you via other methods such as phone, or through a company directly related to the contents of your inquiry.
Please note that despite our efforts reply times may vary since before replying we will verify the facts and circumstances related to your inquiry. Furthermore, depending on the circumstances and its contents, in some cases we may not be able to respond to your inquiry.

The content of our response is addressed to the individual customer. Diversion of the contents of the e-mail in whole or in part is strictly prohibited.

About Location Service

Through this paid service we offer our facilities to companies and corporations as filming locations for movies, dramas, commercials, etc. In addition to providing information on locations that match the client's requirements, we also provide total support from preliminary meetings and previewing to attending the shoots.
If you wish to use this service, please fill out and submit the form below. We will contact you shortly.

*We will not use the personal information you provide for any purpose other than to contact your company.
*Please understand that it may take some time for us to contact you.
*Soliciting and sales-related promotional inquiries are strictly prohibited.

Inquiry Form

Inquiry Items

Credit card payment information confirmation form

*If you have any questions about ticket payment, please also enter the following information
