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Sacred Site of Haiku Quietly Located in Sagano

As one of the three major haikai dojo in Japan and an important historical site for Japanese literature, it is a sacred place for haiku that is still visited by visitors today and in the past.
Ochikakishya was a hermitage run by Mukai Gorai, a student of Matsuo Basho, who laid the foundation of haiku in the Edo period. Basho himself, who loved its quiet atmosphere, visited the hermitage three times and produced his masterpieces at Ochikakishya.
The current Ochikakishya was rebuilt in 1770, but the thatched thatched hermitage surrounded by hedges, with persimmon trees, flowers, and haiku inscriptions scattered throughout the garden, recreates the scenery of the time.
With few tourists, it is a quiet place where one can fully enjoy the atmosphere of Sagano.


Address 20 Saga-Okurayama Scarlet Myojin-cho, Ukyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto 616-8391, Japan
Business hours 9:00-17:00
Regular days off Wednesday
Fees 300 yen
Inquiries 075-881-1953